City Girl & Country Boy go camping.

  • Welcome to our RV blog.We hope you find some of it useful. That is what we started it for.There is information for everyone from beginners to lifelong campers (everyone picks up new ideas).The blog is organized to help you find what you are interested in faster by using the links
  • We like to have detailed plans when embarking on a trip of any substantial length.For many trips, you need to make reservations well ahead of time. Sometimes as far out as a year ahead. Locations such as Disney Fort Wilderness, Arches, Yellowstone, Zion and Bryce National Parks fill up immediately
  • These are ideas many RVers have thought up and added to make their RV nicer or better. They consist mostly of sufficient details to complete but some are just pics for easy mods. There are also some YouTube videos included. Most of these are described specifically for the Grand Design
  • We write our campground reviews on the RV Life web site Campground Reviews section. places we camp at here. You can see them here (Click for link).Our reviews are based on our experiences (a not-so-young couple without kids) so what we look for may not be what you are looking
  • Most of our RV trips are about a week long but we take at least one big trip each year.We are both retired so we like trips running Monday through Friday the best. Campgrounds tend to be far less busy during the week and you avoid any weekend revelers.I have
  • It all began as a sort-of-joke. Several years back, I told Sandi that we should take off a whole summer and travel across country in an RV. The look on her face was priceless.Sandi grew up in Philadelphia and had only camped with her daughters for a couple of (miserable

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